Understanding Life Adjustments

Life changes are inevitable, throughout these milestones in our lives, we must be ready for the changes to achieve a smooth transition. In several cases, coping with these life adjustments can be difficult especially if you are not ready for the change to occur.

A counselor in Bentonville, Arkansas that has experience with helping others prepare or deal with the changes that occur in our normal life, can actually help you accept the changes in life, help you set principles, values, and standards that can help stay focused on your goals, help you make the right steps in order to cope with the changes in life while reaching your goals, help you understand what you are going through, help you accept the emotions and feelings that are occurring, and help you from using drugs or alcohol to escape reality.

A therapist is a wonderful guide that can help you learn how to accept and cope with all the changes in life while aiding in building a support system with not only your counselor but your family to help you stay on track.

Every milestone in our lives is letting us know that change is coming and we have to be ready. Learning how to accept these life stage adjustments effectively will help us with each phase of our lives.

All living beings have a life cycle. Every cycle, of course, begins with small adjustments to cope with severe stressors, cultural, economic, and social adjustments. The stages of the adjustments are listed below.

From birth to age two, there will be changes in your schedule including routine, bedtime, and strangers which can cause anxiety.

From age three to nine the most common life adjustment is separation anxiety due to children starting school. Along with this, they begin developing relationships and social skills.

From age ten to nineteen, puberty begins which brings on learning their identity, romantic relationships, and peer pressure. During this life stage, teens may be risky in behavior and have severe reactions emotionally.

From age twenty to twenty-nine can bring on stress as in this stage, young adults are starting jobs, starting college, beginning a family, and moving out on their own which places them out of the environment that has been their comfort zone.

From age thirty to thirty-nine, individuals are still growing their career while taking care of their family which leads to more responsibility and often more stress.

From age forty to sixty, individuals notice they are aging. Women go through menopause, children are moving out of the home, your career is at its peak, and you begin to have grandchildren. During this time if your life, it can bring on physical and health issues.

From age sixty and up, aging is showing more and even more lifestyle changes occur. In this stage of life, health issues, medication, and retirement are often the major stressors.

Two other stages in life that are placed into an age group include being dependent and end of life, as these can occur at any time throughout our lives due to illness or disease.

Being dependent on others for help around the house or taking care of oneself often reduces our happiness and it can be difficult to enjoy our lives.

End of life occurs when an individual realizes that their life is coming to an end, whether from a disease or old age. At this stage, we will need love, care, and of course those that will keep our spirits up as we deal with the end of our life.

Set up an appointment with a therapist at Compass Counseling Collective. Our professional counselors are here to walk with you through all the stages of life.