Understanding Mood Disorders

There are several different types of mood disorders and it may be hard to believe but studies have shown that in the United States around 20.9 million adults suffer from some type of mood disorder. This includes Northwest Arkansas and the Bentonville area.

The most common disorder is major depression. This disorder can bring on more than just mental issues but physical illness as well. Those suffering from this mood disorder cannot in most cases deal with daily activities. Every person at some time in their life will have to deal with depression, but those with this type of depression may only have one episode while others may experience several episodes.

A milder form but still in the depression category is dysthymia also referred to as dysthymic disorder which usually does not cause the person suffering from this disorder not to be able to carry on daily activities. Diagnosis of this mood disorder is when a person suffers for two years or longer with depression. Individuals can also have bouts of major depression episodes which can lead to not being able to handle daily tasks.

Minor depression is described when a person is depressed for more than two weeks which may need to major depression without the help of a mood disorder counselor.

Other types of depression include psychotic depression, postpartum depression, and seasonal affective disorder. Psychotic depression is when the person is suffering from depression but also losses reality. Postpartum depression is experienced after giving birth. Seasonal affective disorder occurs during the autumn or winter months when there is a decrease in sunlight and days are shorter.

In the United States, there are approximately 5.7 million adults suffering from a manic-depressive illness known as bipolar disorder. Those suffering from this disorder will have combinations of depression and mania which is extreme elation.

Bipolar disorder is a devastating and dangerous disorder that brings on unexpected changes in the person’s energy levels, activity, and mood. Those suffering from this mood disorder may not experience depression but will still have episodes of mania along with times of some or full stability.

Symptoms of Mood Disorders

Depression symptoms include feelings of guilt, helplessness, or unworthiness; loss of interest in activities once enjoyed, constant sadness, anxiety, and feelings of being empty inside; feelings of hopelessness, and thoughts or attempts of suicide.

Mania symptoms include lengthy times of euphoria, being restless, extreme energy, irritability, feelings of grandeur, risky behavior, and impulsive behavior.

Physical Symptoms Associated with Mood Disorders

For those suffering from depression, they will have less energy or feeling fatigue, digestive issues, pains, body aches, headaches, problems with remembering details, issues with concentrating and making decisions, lack of eating or eating more, and sleeping more or not being able to sleep.

For those suffering from manic episodes will experience racing thoughts, not being able to keep their mind on one topic, fast speech, an increase in activities, are easily distracted, cannot sleep, and hypersexuality.

Please reach out to schedule therapy for mood disorders at Compass Counseling Collective in Bentonville, AR and Compass Counseling Collective in Fort Smith, AR.