Test for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Traumatic events in your life can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder; however, just because you have experienced such an event does not necessarily mean you have the disorder. Along with this, PTSD is not a disorder that is experienced only by soldiers that have been in combat. There are many different events that can bring on such a disorder from child abuse to seeing another person harmed.

If you are wondering if you could be suffering from PTSD, this test may help you come to a conclusion. Of course, this test is just a first step and does not mean that you have the disorder. A professional counselor in Rogers, Arkansas is the only one that can determine if you actually are suffering from PTSD.

Answer each question below honestly. Think about each answer carefully before answering with a yes or no. Once completed the instructions for scoring are at the bottom of the test.

  • Are you worried by an experience or one that you witnessed that brought on horror, the feeling of helplessness, or extreme fear?

  • Do you relive the event in either repeated dreams or disturbing memories?

  • Having flashbacks of the event or feeling as if it is happening again?

  • When you are around things that remind you of the event, do you experience extreme pain or become emotionally upset?

  • When you are reminded of the event do you avoid talking about it or thinking about the event?

  • Do you steer clear of people, places or activities that remind you of the event?

  • Do you go blank on significant parts of the event?

  • Are you losing interest in many activities you once enjoyed?

  • Do you feel that you are detached from others?

  • Do you feel your emotions are being restricted?

  • Do you feel like you will not be able to have children, get married, have a career, or live out your life?

  • Do you have problems sleeping?

  • Do you feel irritable or have anger outbursts?

  • Do you have issues concentrating?

  • Do you have the feeling you have to be watching out for danger?

  • Do you have an inflated response to being startled?

  • Have you noticed a change in your eating or sleeping habits?

  • Do you have more days of sadness than happy?

  • Are you not interested in life?

  • Do you feel guilty or worthless?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you problems with family, school, or work?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you to be in a dangerous situation?

  • Has the use of drugs or alcohol caused you to be arrested?

  • Have you continued using drugs or alcohol even though it is causing family problems?

Every question that you answered yes to shows that you have a likelihood of the disorder. For those that answered yes to at least thirteen questions, you should seek counseling. Even if you answered yes to less than thirteen but are still worried that you may have a mental disorder, it is always best to seek medical or mental help.

The only persons that can diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder is a licensed psychologist, psychiatrist, or your physician.

Please reach out to Compass Counseling Collective for PTSD Therapy in Northwest Arkansas.